End to End Supply Chain - Procurement, Call Centers, Planning, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Logistics,
Distribution, CPG, 3PL
What should I do with the inventory that is aged or out of season?
Will outside service providers be overloaded by surge demands?
How do I re-prioritize, reschedule and staff all the critical projects?
How do you measure if your methods are working?
How do you redesign the operation to be safer, and more productive?
How do I maintain throughput with fewer people / less
physical capacity? -
Keeping an eye on regulations?
How do I clear-up the eCommerce back-log; when will I have a credible Sales Forecast?
When is the right time to address Peak planning? Has inventory mix changed?
What are the limitations with inbound and outbound goods? Current supplier limitations?
What adjustments do I need to make going forward based on these changes?
What impacts to raw material do I need to be aware of? Do I have a multiple supplier back up plan?
What happens if there is another COVID break-out? How do I handle that situation?
What is a sustainable ramp-up plan?
Retail? eCommerce? 3PL?
Number of units / outbound cartons / parcel
Management and Associates returning
Will there be a surge in reverse logistics?
Is my 3PL ready to ramp-up?
What is my preventive maintenance plan on key equipment / automation
How do I reestablish focus on associates, safety, and on restoring our facility’s “rhythm”?
What is my communication plan to my employees? Continue communicating value and appreciation to frontline employees & leadership
Restarting necessary programs/projects based on medium term needs
Reevaluate automation / robotics / co-bots, etc.
Procurement risk assessment – review all critical suppliers of direct materials, indirect materials and services… who might not be able to meet demand; who might fail completely; what are my sourcing alternatives?
Retooling for channel shifts – from brick & mortar to eCommerce… from food service to grocery, from commercial to residential… sizing up the demand shift near-term and long-term, and realigning your supply chain